Sunday, Dec. 05, 2004


yesterday was lovely & i managed to prepare for my presentation that i should have prepared for a long time week ago whilst nic went into town & bought planes mistaken for stars 12" & a modest mouse 7" & forgot to buy me cold medince because i am poorly

after visiting pizza express & est est est on a busy saturday night we finally found ask where i had a onion covered pizza & tried some bbq-ed chicken.

with all the best intentions we walked down to the cockpit, joining the queue feeling old, uncool & not at all down with the scene, i was the only one who had a natural hair colour & wasnt wearing a black hoodie [blonde & a green jacket if you're curious]. ofracas was playing at carpe diem & it was sounding a lot more tempting than standing in the sweating pit of cock for a couple of hours with kids trying to out cool each other with their wacky crazy outfits - a belt that hangs 'round your arse? i know it's fashion but it looks plain stupid.

thus, we saw michael who kindly decided to take out place in the queue whilst we sold my ticket for $fifteen & two chocolate eclair sweeties & nics ticket for $ten. we caught a taxi up to carpe diem & sat with tom & his homies. ofracas were immense as were champion kickboxer who were from sheffield. we were there for a fair few hours & went to catch the train home at 11.15ish. however, the train had become a bus & we had to wait 'til midnight.

arrived back in town around half twelve & was asleep in nic's bed for 1 a.m.


thissidedown at 1:15 pm

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