Friday, Sept. 19, 2003

living in the bronx

need more friends with wings
all the angels i know put concrete in my veins

*billy talent

and for a change when i went out to a gig, i didnt drink a drop of alcohol
instead i had coke and ice and was sober for the whole time
and it was good
novelis werent as screamy and scary as i'd expected
some man with a blue package tried befriended me in leeds station and i managed to lose him by doing some quick manouvering through crowds of lost foreign students
but then ended up sitting next to some illegal immigrant on the train who nearly fell asleep on me
which was all followed up by missing the twenty past nine bus by a fraction of a millisecond [of course, could have ran all the way to the bottom stop in my sober state - but nah] which resulted in me waiting in the bronx of the bus station for half an hour trying to avoid catching the eyes of the scariest people in the world
and fuck me hard - billy talent <333

thissidedown at 10:46 pm

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