Sunday, Dec. 21, 2003


these songs bring back hollow memories of days when living was like flying across snow filled fields and a beautiful death was never ever considered
phone calls and invitations to gigs at peoples houses and kissing in corners and dancing like crazy people while everyone tried to buy alcohol and all i needed was love
the mystery of where the year went cannot be solved because i dont want to consider all the things i left behind when i broke down and cried in front of the world
the boy who sung these songs sat with me one night when i cried and cried when i knew i wasnt flying so high anymore and death was so close to my door
& i spent all year dying and resurfacing, breathing and flatlining, drowning and recovering in the intensive care of the people who cared about me
now its close to the end of another year where i died again, but recovered in late october when someone pulled me from the waves and held me tight

thissidedown at 2:56 pm

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