Tuesday, Sept. 30, 2003


today couldnt have been anymore fun
i got pictures drawn of me by five year olds
counted to six with pennies and two penny pieces
& played with play-dough making snails and stars

but at that age everything is so simple
danyall is in love with nazia and follows her everywhere, making people move out of his way so he can sit next to her on the mat when its storytime
haroon and uwiess held hands whilst they walked to the maths table this morning, and not a gay-joke was cracked in their direction
of course, there are still little fucking bitchy girls who like to ruin everything you do - amber thought it'd be fun to draw on my portrait of julie and scribble all over a picture of sabaa
and naughty boys like soloman who chewed the eraser so that no one could get rid of the mistakes they'd made when they were drawing

so i guess, from the age of five, boys suck and girls are bitches, my theory is fantastic

thissidedown at 4:15 pm

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