Monday, Jan. 05, 2004


five am & jetlagged
ive been bouncing off my wall since three am
[i was in bed by seven thirty last night]
my vacation was beautiful, albeit tarnished by some delightfully explosive arguments with my dear father over whether or not i should go back to college

i wish i had more time to spend lying on your bed, being held in your arms & kissing your perfect lips
i wish i never had to feel that wrenching feeling in my stomach everytime i look in to your eyes & feel the realisation that im going away again
it seems so unfair of me to do this to you, every few weeks your heart breaks but we wont talk about it until at least thursday - i dont want this feeling hanging over me whilst i breathe you in
but baby, you have to promise to tell me when it gets too much, i dont want to be the person you hate more than you love

thissidedown at 5:00 am

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