Sunday, Nov. 30, 2003


lets set something straight, shall we?

1) thank you, thank FUCKING you
2) i have not, do not, and will not want him
3) he likes michelle - does that tell you something
4) it would have been simple enough to tell me instead of leaving BITCHY little comments in your diary
5) i am not a mind-reader
6) you talk about me being honest? yeh..

i am angry, i am pissed off, and i know it'll all be my fault, but fuck it, really, FUCK IT

& really, you dont trust me, and dont give me bollocks about you not trusting other boys, because youve been there yourself, hey?

we can give up right now if this is going to happen each time i mention a good friend of mine who happens to have a FUCKING PENIS

thissidedown at 5:55 pm

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