Tuesday, Apr. 20, 2004


i like working mornings
seeing the sunshine
seeing the children
half asleep sitting in a corner
with the cushions across them
the weird ways they eat their cereal
pouring the milk on first, then cereal
no white bits on my toast please..
as i cover it with chocolate spread
they smile as they take a bite
& the chocolate spread is smeared across their cheeks
eating sweets at half past seven as they arrive
the little boys who dont play fair
who wont be out when he's hit with the ball
the little girls who cut barbies hair
& the way they grin when you catch them
crossing the road with bright yellow jackets
doing kung fu moves to stop the cars
running into the playground
chasing their friends
waiting for the bell to go
skipping and giggling
while chattering in the classroom
& we go
back to our lives

maybe one day these will be our children

thissidedown at 9:55 am

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