Monday, Mar. 29, 2004

c u t e

today i went to work
i learnt how to lay a table
& also how to do silver service
[y'know, weilding a spoon and fork and piling things on to peoples plates from big steaming hot dishes]
i was the oldest there by a year
one boy had short hair, big ears & no front teeth
i cannot complain
another job means its more money
& i filled my car up with petrol
ALL the way up
so the petrol gauge isnt always on red
its at the other end
[double woot!]
tomorrow is shoe shopping
black sensible shoes
[for work.. again]
then i go to the other job
for a few hours
no doubt i'll end up with felt pen & paint & glue & glitter & fur & other things in my hair
god knows what else i'll do..

& im so not cute sweetheart
you're jus biased

thissidedown at 12:01 am

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