Friday, Jul. 30, 2004


floating around with day dreams in mind
watching smiles & hearing screams
facination & magication
illusions & disbelief
the world was a mystery when you were six
paper flowers & flower pot men plays
sticky fingers, cellotaped hair & penned on faces
scissors flying, paper throwing & adulthood seeming a forever away
lazy summer days dancing in the shadows
water fights, ice lollies & football in the park
weeks seem like years & years seem like lifetimes
everything happened yesterday
including last summer
holidays in caravans
with sandy toes
& salty hair
hot sleepless nights running riot & watching grown ups relaxing with a bottle or five
freckley faces, shoulders, legs & arms
peely faces shoulders, legs & arms
camping in tents in gardens
giggling at secrets
seeing how many marshmallows you could eat at bbqs

that's been a while coming, hasnt it?

thissidedown at 5:24 pm

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